Accreditation Institute Videos

Attending the 2020 Accreditation Institute? Our Institute flipped classroom is an excellent resource for programs at any stage in the accreditation process. This flipped classroom, based upon the videos below, is intended to help participants influence the topics of the Institute and to prepare participants for immersive learning.

Below you will find a series of videos and PowerPoints, which together provide watchers the basic concepts and tools of NASPAA Accreditation — the process and its Standards. They discuss opportunities (how programs can improve themselves) and pitfalls (where evidence raises red flags for COPRA and site visit teams), to help programs articulate conformance in the strongest way possible.

The videos average about 10-15 minutes in length and orient watchers to NASPAA Accreditation, before diving into each of the NASPAA Standards. If you are interested in training as a Site Visitor, remember to watch the video detailing how to serve as a site visitor or team chair.

why seek accr