What NASPAA is Doing for You and How to get Involved!

NASPAA Initiatives
NASPAA is involved in a number of Initiatives that seek to improve the quality of public affairs education, as well as the landscape of public governance. Some of our current initiatives revolve around PhD Pathways, Sustainable Development Goals and Civic Engagement. There are opportunities for both students and programs to be involved.

Teaching and Learning
NASPAA has a deep commitment to quality in public affairs education. In addition to our accreditation efforts, we strongly support the following: sharing of best practices, experiential opportunities for student learning, and resources for programs and professors seeking to continuously improve themselves.
Why a Public Service Degree?
Interested in What Else NASPAA has to Offer?
Don't miss out on NASPAA's Journal of Public Affairs Education, data collected from Schools and Alumni, as well as Career Information.

The Journal of Public Affairs Education (JPAE) is dedicated to advancing teaching and learning in public affairs, which includes the fields of public policy analysis, public administration, and public management. The quarterly journal features peer-reviewed scholarly articles on pedagogical, curricular, and accreditation issues pertaining to public affairs education, commentaries, symposia, and book reviews and is available to NASPAA members online.

Career Resources
NASPAA collects data from our members and alumni regarding employment outcomes, salaries, job satisfaction, in addition to student loan debt and other topics of interest to potential students. This data along with NASPAA job board can be accessed here.

Interested in enrollment, degrees awarded, and employment trends? Looking for a program that is the right fit for you? Want to enter your school's Annual Data Report.