COPRA Seeks Consultants: Accreditation Institute

The Commission on Peer Review and Accreditation (COPRA) of the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration (NASPAA) seeks consultants to present educational sessions for academic program directors seeking to learn about accreditation for public service education.
NASPAA’s “Accreditation Institute” will be held in a single day (October 14, 2020) at the NASPAA Annual Conference in Chicago, Illinois, USA. The Commission seeks consultants to present a coherent and positive one-day experience for participants of the NASPAA conference.
The pedagogical approaches proposed should address the needs of learners at very different levels of familiarity with accreditation and program evaluation. Participants in the Institute should leave with improved confidence and expertise in the requirements and value of NASPAA Accreditation.
For more details and requirements, please review the Request for Proposals.