Committees & Sections
NASPAA committee and section meetings are a meaningful way to network with your peers, share best practices and engage in your area of interest. Meetings are open to everyone.
Committees/ Sections
Committees are appointed by the NASPAA President (unless otherwise directed in the NASPAA Bylaws); they are given a charge by the Executive Council and are expected to report back to the council annually on their charge.
Sections are self-governing. Any NASPAA member who is interested in a section topic may participate in the section meetings. Sections are established for three years by the Executive Council on the petition of 25% percent of the member institutions. The Council reviews a Section every three years to determine whether to extend its life for another three years. Sections draft their own operating guidelines for approval by the Executive Council as governed by the NASPAA Bylaws.
Bylaws Committee
Commission on Peer Review and Accreditation (COPRA)
Conference Program Committee
COPRA Eligibility Committee
Data Committee
Development Committee
Diversity and Social Equity Committee
Ethics and Conduct Committee
Finance Committee
Journal of Public Affairs Education Committee
Local Government Management Education Committee
Marketing the MPA/MPP Committee
Pi Alpha Alpha Honor Society Committee
Policy Issues Committee
SDG Working Group Committee
Simulation Committee
Standards Committee
Student Services Committee
Teaching and Learning Committee
Undergraduate Education Committee
- Bylaws Committee
- Data Committee
- Development Committee
- Diversity and Social Equity Committee
- Ethics and Conduct Committee
- Local Government Management Education Committee
- Marketing the MPA/MPP Committee
- Pi Alpha Alpha Honor Society Committee
- Policy Issues Committee
- Simulation Committee
- Student Services Committee
- Sustainable Development Goals Committee
- Teaching and Learning Committee
- Undergraduate Education Committee
Individuals from NASPAA member schools are encouraged to engage in any that are a fit for your role, program or research area. If you are interested in getting involved, let us know.
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Interested in Joining a NASPAA Committee?
If you would like to be considered for an appointment with the NASPAA committee, let us know!