

Table of Contents














1. Name. As provided in its articles of incorporation, this corporation is known as the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration, referred to hereinafter as the Association. The corporation was created on February 23, 1977, as a District of Columbia nonprofit corporation, under the name National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration. By a vote of the membership on October 19, 2012, the name was officially changed to Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration. To the extent there may be any conflict between the articles of incorporation and these bylaws, the articles of incorporation shall govern.

2. Purpose. The Association is organized exclusively for charitable, scientific, educational and literary purposes, including but not limited to improving education for public affairs and administration through common action by its member institutions.

3. Means. The means by which the Association will advance its purposes include:

A. promoting cooperation among member institutions and between member institutions and institutions with similar purposes in other countries;

B. providing services to member institutions;

C. encouraging curricular development and innovation in education and providing a forum for the discussion of educational issues;

D. developing appropriate standards for educational programs and reviewing the quality of programs;

E. strengthening the research base of education for public affairs and administration;

F. representing to government and other institutions the objectives and needs of education for public affairs and administration;

G. promoting cooperative programs with government;

H. receiving grants and entering into contracts;

I. advancing equality of opportunity of all persons to education for public service and the careers to which it leads;

J. encouraging the maintenance of high standards of conduct in public life.

4. Scope of the Field. The Association understands the field of public affairs and administration to encompass the following:

A. public administration, public policy, and public management;

B. the several levels of public affairs, including local, state, regional, and national government, intergovernmental relations, and international organizations;

C. such functions of government as budgeting and financial management; personnel management and labor relations; and program planning and evaluation;

D. such sectors of public affairs as criminal justice, corrections, law enforcement, and judicial affairs; economic affairs; environmental affairs and energy; health; international affairs and economic development; public works; regional affairs; social welfare; transportation; and urban affairs;

E. such arenas of public policy making as the legislative, judicial, and administrative process; and

F. public sector organizations, public-oriented nonprofit organizations, and the relationship between the public and private sectors.

5. Character of the Association. The Association is a nonprofit corporation and will advance its goals by non-partisan means. No substantial part of the activities of the corporation shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation (except as otherwise permitted by Section 501(h) of the Internal Revenue Code ("Code"), and in any corresponding laws of the District of Columbia), and the corporation shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements concerning) any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the corporation shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by a corporation exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Code, or (b) by a corporation contributions to which are deductible under Section 170(c)(2) of the Code. The Association will take positions on public issues only within the scope of its professional competence and purpose as defined above. Such expressions will state the Association's position and not necessarily the position of individual member institutions.



1. Member Institutions. Membership in the Association shall be open to appropriately designated academic units (e.g., colleges, schools, divisions, departments, programs, centers, institutes) within institutions of higher education which have been accredited by regional accrediting bodies or their equivalent, which have a substantial commitment to the purpose of the Association and which have organized separately identified curricula leading to:

A. professional graduate degrees in public affairs and administration; or

B. baccalaureate degrees in which professional education for public affairs and administration is a major component; or

C. pre-baccalaureate degrees in public affairs and administration.

2. Separate Memberships. Membership in the Association may be held by more than one academic unit within a single institution of higher education provided each unit offers a distinct program and degree in public affairs and administration and each assumes the full duties of membership, including the payment of dues.

3. Associate Members. Associate membership shall be open to foreign academic degree-granting institutions, agencies of government, corporations, foundations, professional associations, academic institutions offering non-degree programs, independent research or training organizations, and other non-academic organizations that subscribe to the purpose of the Association.

4. Existing Membership. Members and associate members of the Association at the time of any amendment to these bylaws shall retain their membership status as long as they are in conformity with the requirements of some class of membership.

5. Principal Representatives. Each member or associate member shall designate a principal representative who will be its primary channel of communication to and from the Association and who will be responsible for facilitating participation in Association activities by other personnel from the member institution. The principal representative shall, either in person or by designated alternate from the same institution, cast the member institution's vote on all matters on which the organization is entitled to vote.

6. Eligibility for Membership. Decisions on the eligibility of particular applicants for membership or associate membership shall be made by the Executive Council. The Executive Council may terminate the membership of particular organizations for nonconformity with the requirements and duties of membership, including the payment of dues.



1. Elective Officers. The elective officers of the Association shall be a President, a Vice President, and fifteen members of the Executive Council. The term of office of the President and the Vice President shall be one year. Members elected to the Executive Council shall serve staggered three-year terms. The President shall fill any vacancy on the Council by appointment until the next regularly scheduled election. The terms of newly elected officers shall begin immediately after the annual business meeting.

2. Nominations. Nominations for elective officers of the Association shall be made by a temporary committee consisting of the immediate past President as chairperson, the previous past President, and three additional members appointed by the President. The nominating committee shall nominate one or more candidates for each office and send notification of its nomination to the membership at least 30 days prior to the annual business meeting. Additional nominations may be made from the floor at the annual business meeting by any principal representative or designated alternate from the same institution.

3. Elections. Election of officers shall be by majority of the votes cast by principal representatives or designated alternates from the same institution at the annual business meeting.

4. Succession.

A. The Vice President shall succeed to the office of the President upon completion of the President's term. In case of death, resignation, or inability of the President to perform the duties of office, the Vice President shall serve as President for the remainder of the term and for a subsequent term of one year.

B. In the event of the death, resignation, or inability of the Vice President to perform the duties of office, or upon succession to the presidency by the Vice President to fill out an unexpired term, the Executive Council shall elect an acting Vice President to serve for the remainder of the term. An acting Vice President shall succeed to the office of President only for the unexpired portion of a vacated term.

5. President. The President of the Association shall preside at the annual conference, the annual business meeting, and meetings of the Executive Council and shall perform the usual duties incident to the office of President and such other duties as may be prescribed by the Executive Council.

6. Executive Director. The Executive Director shall be appointed by the Council and serve at its pleasure. The Executive Director shall be the chief financial officer and the chief administrative officer of the Association and shall hire, assign, and dismiss staff as necessary to ensure the orderly operation of the Association, subject to policies established by the Council.

7. Budget. The Executive Director, in consultation with the President, Vice President, past President of the Association (serving collectively as the Executive Committee of the Council), and the Chair of the Committee on Finance, shall prepare an annual budget for review and adoption by the Council.  No expenditures may be made by the Association except as authorized in the budget.  Amendments to the budget may be made on the recommendation of the Executive Committee and with approval of the Council.



1.Council Membership.

A. Throughout this document, "Executive Council" or "Council" shall have the same meaning as "director(s)" or "board of directors" for purposes of the District of Columbia Nonprofit Corporation Act. The Executive Council shall consist of the elective officers of the Association as defined above, and the immediate past President of the Association.

B. The members of the Council may provide for the participation, without vote, of chairpersons of committees and sections of the Association and representative of other appropriate professional and educational associations. The chairpersons of the Finance Committee, the Standards Committee and the Commission on Peer Review and Accreditation shall be eligible to participate, without vote, in Council meetings.

2. Council Meetings. The Executive Council shall meet at the time of the annual business meeting of the Association and on other occasions on call of the President after consultation with Council Members, or at the request of a majority of the Council. At least two weeks' notice of the agenda of meetings must be sent to all principal representatives. The Executive Director of the Association shall attend meetings of the Council. Meetings will be open to all institutional representatives, who may attend without vote.

3. Council Business. The Executive Council will conduct the business of the Association between annual business meetings of the membership.



1. Standing Committees. At all times, each standing committee shall have at least two members who are members of the Executive Council.

A. Committee on Standards. There shall be a Committee on Standards, consisting of not more than twelve members, who shall be appointed to overlapping three-year terms. New Members shall be appointed prior to the Fall business meeting of the Committee by the Vice President. At least one of the members appointed each year shall be a member of the Executive Council. The Committee shall develop and maintain appropriate standards for masters programs in public affairs and administration. At the direction of the Executive Council, the Committee shall also develop proposed standards for education for public affairs and administration at other levels.

B. Commission on Peer Review and Accreditation. There shall be a Commission on Peer Review and Accreditation, consisting of fourteen members, who shall be appointed to overlapping three-year terms. New members shall be nominated by the Vice President and approved by the Executive Council prior to the Fall business meeting of the Commission. At least one of the four members appointed each year shall be a member of the Executive Council. The Commission shall be responsible for the review of masters programs in public affairs and administration according to the standards developed by the Standards Committee and approved by the membership of the Association, through self-study and peer review. At the direction of the Executive Council, the Commission shall also review programs in public affairs and administration at other levels.

C. Committee on Finance. There shall be a Committee on Finance, consisting of nine members. The President, Vice President, and past President of the Association, shall serve ex-officio as voting members. Two members shall be appointed to overlapping three-year terms. New members shall be appointed by the Vice President prior to the Fall business meeting of the Committee.

The Committee on Finance shall be responsible for advising the Executive Council on the long-term financial policy of the Association and, with appropriate professional advice, shall direct the investment of the Association's Endowment Fund and other funds entrusted to it by the Executive Council. The Finance Committee periodically will recommend to the Executive Council the portion of the total return of the Endowment Fund that should be made available for the operating budget.

In order to maintain the Endowment Fund as an endowment, it is Association policy to use only a portion of the total return of the Fund for program purposes. Changes to Association policy regarding the Endowment Fund, including the portion of total return made available for the operating budget, may be made only (1) upon a request of the Executive Council approved by at least five members of the Committee on Finance; or (2) if the Executive Council so directs at a subsequent Executive Council meeting, after hearing the position of the Committee on Finance. The Committee on Finance shall act upon any request of the Council within thirty (30) days of the Council meeting at which the request is first made.

At least once annually, the Committee shall publicly issue an official accounting of the Endowment Fund's receipts, investments, and expenditures. The Executive Council may, at its pleasure, assign any surpluses from the general operating funds to the Endowment Fund.

2. Ad Hoc Committees.

A. Conference Program Committee. The President shall annually appoint a Conference Program Committee. The committee shall develop a program for the annual conference of the Association for review and approval by the Executive Council. The President shall appoint a chairperson for the conference committee.

B. Other Ad Hoc Committees. The President shall have authority to establish other ad hoc committees and shall report to the next meeting of the Executive Council the term and charge of a newly established committee. No ad hoc committee shall be established for a term of more than two years. A committee that is nearing the end of its term shall prepare a report for presentation to the meeting of the Executive Council next preceding the annual conference. The Council shall have authority after this review to extend the committee's term for not more than two years.

3. Appointment of Members and Chairpersons. The President of the Association shall appoint the members and designate the chairperson of each standing and ad hoc committee, for one-year terms, except as otherwise noted herein or approved by the Executive Council.

4. Committee Costs. Committee expenses shall be met by the institutions from which the members are drawn or, with the approval of the Executive Council, by the Association.

5. Committee Actions. Committee actions to seek external funding or take positions on public issues require the signature of the Executive Director or the approval of the Executive Council.



1. Purposes. Member institutions with common policy interests or common characteristics may group themselves into Sections of this Association to promote their shared interests.

2. Establishment and Termination. Sections shall be established by the Executive Council for a term of three years on petition by the principal representatives of 25 percent of the member institutions. The Council must review a Section every three years and shall have authority after this review to extend its life for another three years. Sections of this Association do not constitute separate juridical persons.

3. Operating Procedures. Sections shall draft their own operating guidelines for approval by the Executive Council. Guidelines shall include provisions for annual election of a chairperson and submission of annual financial and activity reports to the Executive Council and to the Section membership. To the extent there may be any conflict between any guidelines and the articles of incorporation or these bylaws, the articles of incorporation and bylaws shall govern.

4. Section Actions. Section actions to seek external funding or take positions on public issues require the signature of the Executive Director or the approval of the Executive Council.

5. Section Costs. Section expenses shall be met by the participating institutions. A Section may with the approval of the Executive Council levy a special fee on participating institutions to be added to their annual dues and collected by the Association.



1. Time and Place. The time and place of the annual conference and business meeting shall be determined by the Executive Council.

2. Annual Conference Attendance. Attendance and participation at the annual conference shall be open to representatives of all members and associate members.

3. Prior Notice of Business. At least 30 days before the annual conference, the Executive Council shall notify the membership of the Association of the principal matters to come before the business meeting and shall furnish appropriate supporting documentation.

4. Rules. The annual business meeting shall be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order.



1.Voting. Voting in the annual business meeting shall be by member institutions. Each member institution shall have one vote. Each separate membership at a member institution shall also have one additional vote. Votes shall be cast by the principal representatives of member institutions or by designated alternates from the same institutions. No proxy votes shall be cast.

2. Quorum. A quorum at the annual business meeting shall consist of the principal representatives or designated alternates from 25 percent of the member institutions.

3. Approval of Program Standards and Program Review. Standards for programs leading to a particular level of degree and authorization of the review of these programs shall be presented to all NASPAA member schools for a full and open discussion, and then approved by a majority of votes cast at the annual business meeting by the principal representatives (or designated alternates) from NASPAA-accredited programs offering this level of degree. Any proposed amendment to the Association's degree standards not originating in the Standards Committee must be submitted to the chairperson of the Standards Committee at least 30 days before the annual business meeting. The Standards Committee shall forward a proposed amendment with its recommendation to the Executive Council, which shall place the proposed amendment on the agenda of the annual business meeting.



1. Dues Structure. The Executive Council shall recommend a dues structure for approval by the membership. Notice of a proposal by the Executive Council to ask approval of a dues increase must be given to the membership at least 60 days before the annual business meeting. An affirmative vote of the membership in the annual business meeting, a quorum being present, is required for implementation of the recommended dues structure.

2. Financial Operations. The Executive Director shall be responsible for receiving and expending the funds of the Association under policies established by the Executive Council. The annual budget of the Association shall be prepared by the Executive Director and adopted by the Executive Council. An annual financial statement shall be presented to the membership.

3. Audit. The Executive Council shall be responsible for an annual independent audit of the finances of the Association.



1. Proposed Amendments to Bylaws. Amendments to these bylaws may be proposed to the membership either by an ad hoc committee on bylaws appointed by the President, by petition to the Executive Council by the principal representatives of 25 percent of the member institutions. The Executive Council shall give its recommendation on each proposed amendment.

2. Voting Conditions. Notice of a proposed amendment must be sent to every member of the Association at least 60 days before the annual business meeting.

3. Majority Vote. Amendments must be approved by majority vote of the principal representatives or designated alternates voting upon the proposed amendment.

4. Proposed Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation. Procedure for proposing any amendments to the articles of incorporation shall be as provided by the District of Columbia Nonprofit Corporation Act, as amended from time to time.



AT NASPAA ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania October 25, 1978



October 17, 1982, Portland, Oregon

October 11, 1986, Kansas City, Missouri

October 17, 1997, Raleigh, North Carolina

October 20, 2000, Richmond Virginia

October 18, 2002, Los Angeles, California

October  12, 2007, Seattle, Washington  

October 21, 2011, Kansas City, Kansas 


AT NASPAA ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING October 19, 2012, Austin, Texas